Our mission is to cultivate Christ-treasuring, multiplying disciples
who take the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

A Home for Our Church Family
Our new home will establish Palm Vista as a gospel bridge between communities: bringing Miami Gardens, Miami Lakes, Hialeah, and Miramar together. Our central location means families from all walks of life can call us home.
A Haven for the Neighborhood
Our neighbors have told us what they need most: a sense of strong community, support for the youth, care for the elderly, and a safe environment to live, work, and play. We will use the new building to cultivate gospel community through after-school tutoring, career mentorship programs, elder care, neighborhood events, and more. We’ll also use this space to host community gatherings where our neighbors can build relationships and deepen their sense of belonging.
A Hub for Church Planting
God has also positioned Palm Vista as a hub for Church Planting and Strengthening. The Antioch offering will allow Palm Vista to invest even more in this vital work—by supporting interns and church planters, hosting training events, and creating connections that strengthen churches throughout South Florida and beyond. There is a desperate need for churches willing to raise up, train, and care for church planters, especially in black and brown communities.
A Headquarters for Missions
Miami isn’t just a city—it’s a global crossroads. The Antoich offering enables Palm Vista to support church-planting efforts worldwide, equipping leaders and building connections across the globe. This includes providing offices for Corey, the International Director of the Great Commission Collective, and creating a headquarters for missions work where we’ll host training events for international church planters."
Primary Goal:
100% Participation
Our primary goal is for every Palm Vista member and our extended Palm Vista family to feel ownership of the disciple-making mission God has given us. The church is not a physical piece of property, it’s the body of redeemed sinners who gather together to worship God and advance his kingdom. Whatever the size of your gift, we’re asking you to partner with us in this mission for your joy and the joy of the nations.
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.
~Philippians 4:17
Secondary Goal:
$4.1 Million
Secondary Goal is to repay our $4.1M loan by the end of 2027, our 30th anniversary year. Repaying our loan frees up our regular tithes and offerings for ongoing ministry. Our loan covers the purchase of three properties: the main church facility, a 1.8-acre vacant lot, and two residential buildings. Together, these properties represent an unbelievable opportunity in the heart of an international city.
Why “Antioch Offering?”
In the book of Acts, the church in Antioch had a unique gospel impact as a multi-ethnic missionary hub located in a bustling, international city. We believe that God has called Palm Vista to be an “Antioch” church, helping our neighborhood flourish while impacting the nations with the gospel. Owning a permanent facility and the adjoining properties allows us to put down deep roots in our neighborhood while acting as a local and international church planting hub. Being debt-free will enable us to show radical hospitality to our neighbors and give generously to advance the gospel from Miami Gardens to Mumbai!
There is no greater mission on the planet than advancing the kingdom of God on Earth! Would you prayerfully consider joining us in this mission by making a pledge towards the Antioch Offering? We aim for every member to participate at the level God has given them faith and resources for.
As you consider what God would have you give, use this chart as a discipleship tool to inspire you to generosity.


As of March 1st, 2024
Giving SO FAR:
44 Givers